Ormskirk Priory RAM No 1019 Installation
On Thursday 11th October, Ormskirk suffered a bit of a deluge at about 5.0pm.  It was perhaps appropriate as it was the night of Ormskirk Priory RAM Lodge No1019 Installation meeting.  (Not so nice for those who were walking to the Masonic Hall at the time and had to sit round in wet suits for the rest of the night.)
Many of the members had been at some other meeting in Southport during the day and so only just made it to the Hall in time for the Installation.  Representing the R.W Provincial Grand Master was WBro John Bicknell RAMGR Prov.Sec and also in attendance was the PGM’s Special representative WBro Maurice Evans Prov RAMGR.
The Worshipful Commander, WBro James Roberts opened the meeting on time and the lodge DC WBro David Rawcliffe Prov RAMGR then lead the salutations to the Grand Officers.     With the regular business of the meeting concluded; which had included, Balloting for a new member; changing the by-laws and approving the accounts, the Worshipful Commander then moved on to the Installation of the Commander elect Bro Cliff Boynton.
The Worshipful Commander first placed WBro Bill Cropper RAMGR in the Senior Wardens chair and WBro Ian Kennedy Prov RAMGR into the Junior Wardens chair. WBro Gordon Kay took on the role of Guardian for the night. With those members below the rank of an installed Commander thrown out; WBro Roberts carried out the Inner Workings. On return to the lodge the brethren greeted the new Commander. After the new officers had been invested WBro Fred Hargreaves RAMGR presented the Keystone Jewel to the new Commander, in fine style.
A very good address to the Worshipful Commander was given by WBro John Rawcliffe Prov RAMGR. An excellent rendition of the Exposition was given by WBro John Bicknell, who had given a brief explanation of why it, (the exposition) is given at the Installation, and his understanding of certain parts of it. 
With the lodge closed it was time for an enjoyable festive board.  Ormskirk Priory RAM Lodge not only has a new candidate for the next meeting, which is also the lodge’s Christmas Special, the Lodge will be honoured with a Provincial Team visit.  We wish the new Worshipful Commander a happy and successful year in office.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell.